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 wanting to join the guiled

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2 posters

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2008-10-15

wanting to join the guiled Empty
PostSubject: wanting to join the guiled   wanting to join the guiled EmptyWed Oct 15, 2008 11:33 am

i have 3 names in real life but u can call me yitzchak(thats izek).

i have severl alts but the main alts i have is a holy priest and a warrior but im focusing in level up my priest that according to this post he is level 56.



class/spec:hunter mm level 70

previous guilds:mercians/swift vengeance.

about me:well as i said im 23 years old im after a 3 years service in the israel army(and i cant talk about that sry),i have played wow for a few years now but due to army needed 2 take a break.i love Japaneses animation and im trying to learn Japaneses im a mature player and nice.

What can I bring to Serenity:well im looking for a raid guild thats for sure a guild with commitments player like i do that will try their best to be online as much as they can so we can advance to all the cool raids wow has to a rly good player"balance and agility"etc i like 2 enjoy in the play with the ppls around me and laughs etc.and u can call me the "traper" coz im rly good with freeze trapping record in hard mob trapped was like 5 times i think.also its more fun to do badge run or quests or dungeons with your guild that u know.(that's also included as helping guild m8s)

why i left my old guild:well mercians was my rly first seriously guild i joined.i made a rly good friend there sabrosa and i think he can say the same about me.the reason i left was coz their previous gm used the points system in raid and clearly prefer to give items to his friends.

thats when i moved 2 sv.they were a rly worm true guild that rly helped eachother and i made many friends there spritwicca ogier niccki and dan it was rly great there but 2 sad ppls started to leave the guild and it fell apart : ( i tried 2 do something with the ppls that stayed but we couldn't do anything. : (.

Things that may affect my playtime:well the only things that will effect my playing time are because im religious. so on Saturday i can never play(i mean from Friday evening to Saturday evening a full 24 hours religious time : ) ) and sometimes there are Holidays but trust me u will see me more then u want to.

finnaly i rly had fun and enjoyed the run when u pugged me and im rly looking for to join u and help advencing in wow and wotlk as well.

keep playing forever.
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Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant  Commander

Number of posts : 174
Age : 49
Location : Sussex - England
Registration date : 2008-02-12

wanting to join the guiled Empty
PostSubject: Re: wanting to join the guiled   wanting to join the guiled EmptyWed Oct 15, 2008 12:12 pm

Hey mate,

Thanks for the application, as ever with these things stuff can't happen over night, the GM and Senior officer are both on vaction till the weekend at which point we will review and get back to you, but I am sure there will be no problems.

Good job last night and thanks for the help.


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