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 Crazycarrot Application

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2 posters

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-01-09

Crazycarrot Application Empty
PostSubject: Crazycarrot   Crazycarrot Application EmptyFri Jan 09, 2009 10:26 pm

Hello guys!

My name is Crazycarrot and I'm a fire mage.
In real life I'm a 25 year old girl and my name is Ekaterina or just Katya (Kate).
My friends in real life - Kju and Tishia recommended me to join this guild because of close family atmosphere and sent you a huge hugs for everyone they know. I would like to be a part of your guild to learn much how to play correct and most effective. Kju always advertized me Kessian's DPS so i'm looking for a relaxed but very expierensful play.

Cheers guys, с ya online!
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Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant  Commander

Number of posts : 174
Age : 49
Location : Sussex - England
Registration date : 2008-02-12

Crazycarrot Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crazycarrot Application   Crazycarrot Application EmptySun Jan 11, 2009 3:25 am

Hey Crazy carrot,

Thanks for the application, it nice to see that someone takes the time to read the 'IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING ' sticky thread and follows the guidelines.

In fairness I think at the moment Serenity has plenty of DPS and as those spots are highly sort after in our current raiding schedule I fear at this moment in time we will be unable to offer a place. I am sure when you speak to Tishia and Kju (Big hi to them Smile ) they will be able to help with gearing etc for 'Serious Business' where I am sure you will be welcome.

Again apologies and we wish you all the best.


Chuffa - Officer
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