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Application Empty
PostSubject: Application   Application EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 9:16 pm

Hi everyone, my name is Erik and I play as a lvl 70 dwarf hunter (probably the only one in the game, not). It´s my first and only character, except some lvl 3-4 of all the other ones. Im 25 years old and live in Sweden like many others.
I heard about this guild from Alan mostly who´s been telling me daily to join Smile and now I came around to it after trying to get online at the same time as Gorhald.
I know a lot of players in the guild from before and hope to get to know alot more if you let me in.

I´m a skinner/leatherworker and I´m mostly pvp spec right now but that will probably change in the future.

Those who know me all know I mostly play during the day or when I get the time, life(girlfriend) comes first or life(girlfriend) becomes mad. No mostly its my studying that thakes up most y time and all the other things you have to do in rl.

Hope to see you all soon, thxs from Choeil and Gianina(pet)
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Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant  Commander

Number of posts : 174
Age : 49
Location : Sussex - England
Registration date : 2008-02-12

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptyThu Apr 24, 2008 10:24 am


I am sure you will be welcome.....please contact myself or one of the advisers in game and an invite will be forth comming....

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Number of posts : 151
Age : 48
Registration date : 2008-01-26

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptyThu Apr 24, 2008 9:29 pm

Welcome mate! May your MD be true and you frost traps stout!
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